Twilight on its way, in Florence, we shall dance, it was June 30th that some Wordless Speech on Skin, Bones & Heart was brought to light. First, piece to the repertoire & heartwarming collaborations with angels artists Adrien Kaeser (Music & Sound Design), Cindy Fournier (Poetry) & Jacob Lang (Dance)… No more words for now but keep eyes peeled, something is screaming…

|I fall in love at night
When every cover on our Heart
Is dark
Hear the sky
The way I dance is the way you shy
I cried

A Wordless Speech on Skin, Bones & Heart|

What are we doing with the Shadows of our hearts, when the night comes back and our fears crawl from the Moon to our tears? Wordless Speech on Skin, Bones & Heart explores the communicative issues that human affection implies, open research on the overwhelm that human sensitivity exerts on individuals. It surrenders to the quest of fate of individuals closely shadowing one another in the different plays that the human interactions involve. How can oneself be the constant Shadow of another pursuing the Light for that Other one? How can the personification of shadow survive within its cage of careful intentions for the Other?

In the memory of the words that you left on my Skin, on my Bones, on my Heart…

Special thanks to the Women that speak: Desiree Karl, Elina Sardonini, Elsa Saliba, Ernesta Bukauskaite, Prof. Kathrin Koslicki & Piera Biondina

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